Conferences and Exhibitions

PROMPRYLAD LLC at NDE-2014 in India

PROMPRYLAD LLC at NDE-2014 in India

Advertising of the National Seminar&Exhibition on nondestructive evaluation (NDE-2014), Pune, India

Advertising of the National Seminar&Exhibition on nondestructive evaluation (NDE-2014), Pune, India

On 4-6 DECEMBER, 2014 at Hotel VITS, Pune, India, PROMPRYLAD LLC presented UT and ET equipment and paper "Application of Ultrasonic & Eddy Current Flaw Detectors for Aerospace Components Inspection" at NATIONAL SEMINAR&EXHIBITION ON NON-DESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION (NDE-2014) organized by Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (ISNT).

National Seminar on NDE was one of the most important engineering events in India. The conference and exhibition attracted eminent NDE experts from various national and international industries / institutions to provide an exposure to latest developments in the field of NDE.

At the exhibition booth the specialists of PROMPRYLAD LLC carried out the demonstration of ultrasonic and eddy current manual flaw detectors, hardness testers, thickness gauges with a wide range of ultrasonic and eddy current probes, accessories and calibration blocks (Exscan UT flaw detector and thickness gauge, UD3-71 UT flaw detector, UT flaw detector UD4-76 TOFD version, ET flaw detector Eddycon C).

Visitors of National Seminar&Exhibition on nondestructive evaluation (NDE-2014) are looking at OKOndt GROUP's device operation
(Equipment Demonstration at PROMPRYLAD booth)

Communication with Indian colleagues visitors of NDE-2014
(Working process, with Indian colleagues)

The quality of PROMPRYLAD products was highly appreciated by the visitors and the exhibition organizers. We established profitable new contacts that became a new stage in the company’s business growth.

Our team was very much pleased with our Indian partners to make us involved in a beautiful Indian culture at after-conference cultural programme.

Cultural program organized for participants and guests of the National Seminar&Exhibition on nondestructive evaluation, Pune, India
(Cultural Programme in Pune)

Moreover, staying in Hyderabad PROMPRYLAD LLC also organized a seminar giving the possibility to Indian experts to study well the operation of the company’s equipment.

Seminar organized by the specialists of OKOndt GROUP for the attendees of the National Seminar &Exhibition on nondestructive evaluation (NDE-2014)OKOndt GROUP's specialists speech at the seminar organized for Indian colleagues during NDE-2014
(PROMPRYLAD LLC organized the workshop for Indian NDT experts in Hyderabad)

Demonstration of OKOndt GROUP's ultrasonic equipment during the seminar organized under NDE-2014, Pune, India PROMPRYLAD LLC at NDE-2014 in IndiaDemonstration of OKOndt GROUP's portable ultrasonic flaw detectors at the seminar organized for Indian NDT specialists, Pune, India
(Demonstration of our UT portable devices caused a strong interest among the workshop participants)

Demonstration of  eddy current equipment to an Indian colleague during the National Seminar &Exhibition on nondestructive evaluation (NDE-2014)Indian NDT specialists showing vivid interest for OKOndt GROUP's eddy current equipment
(The visitors were much involved in the demonstration of our latest ET flaw detectors and accessories)

Furthermore, the company also visited and presented NDT railway equipment at the all India railway industry Conference and Exhibition in Lucknow.

Booth showcasing OKOndt GROUP's NDT equipment at the National Seminar &Exhibition on nondestructive evaluation (NDE-2014), Pune, India
(PROMPRYLAD booth: UT solutions for railway industry at the exhibition in Lucknow)

PROMPRYLAD LLC is very much grateful to our partners in India and all the participants, visitors of exhibitions and seminars for mutual productive work and experience, to XL NDE Systems, Globe NDT, Nuclear Fuel Complex, Mishra Dhatunigam, Sievert, Satyakiran Engineers, M.V. X-Ray Equipments Co; TechIndia, Eddy Sonic and many others.

About OKOndt GROUP

OKOndt GROUP represents a group of companies with more than 30 years of experience in research, development and production of non-destructive testing products for industrial customers around the world. The group's production companies are "Ultracon-Service" LLC and "Promprylad" LLC.

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